Oct 2022 (©PNM)

Raised in HelsinkiFinland, I received
my doctorate from Aalto University in 2011. After moving to Austria in 2013 as an FWF-funded fellow and then project leader at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna, in 2017 I was awarded the ERC Starting Grant to manipulate materials with atomic precision. After a two-year tenure track, I was appointed Associate Professor in 2021.

The name, Mostly Physics, not only describes the site content, but is also a self-ironic jab at stereotypical physicists (as captured by the webcomic xkcd). You can find my on Twitter as @mostlyphysics and on Mastodon as @mostlyphysics@fediscience.org

I have authored over 80 peer-reviewed articles, several reviews, and two book chapters, mostly on heteroatom-doped graphene and carbon nanotubes. My research interests increasingly center on understanding and making use of focused electron irradiation to characterize and manipulate materials, and on simulating transmission electron microscopy from first principles.


I have long been an advocate for and practitioner of openness in research. I coordinated open science policy at YAE, chaired a task force at ISE, and was a member of the core drafting group for the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. I serve on the Scientific Advisory Board of Open Research Europe and the Steering Board of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).